A quote from Graham Nash (Crosby Stills Nash Young)

In the 03 May, 2022 The Guardian UK:
Nash returns to the subject of toxic masculinity. “Why do you think Russia invaded Ukraine? Pure fucking ego of one man. Thousands of people are dying because of one man.” He looks at me, severely. “If you could kill Putin, would you? I would. And I’m a total peacenik. But I realise that if somebody had killed Hitler, millions more people would have been alive.” So if somebody handed you a gun, would you be willing to serve time for killing Putin? “Yes, knowing what I know now, absolutely.”

Angel Assassins, anyone?

Exhibit coverage in issue #209 of revistart, Spanish arts zine in publication since 1994

Mark Swindle invade la galería del barrio de Canyelles con su lenguaje figurativo experimental, gracias a la ecléctica y asombrosa obra que exhibe con motivo de la exposición individual ‘Target Practice’.

Mark Swindle invades the gallery in the Canyelles neighborhood with his experimental figurative language, thanks to the eclectic and amazing work that he exhibits on the occasion of the individual exhibition ‘Target Practice’.

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