Since its introduction in the 1970s, almost 10 million tons of Monsanto’s Roundup™—a Neonicotinoid-based pesticide—have been sprayed onto fields the world over, and is suspected as one of the main contributors of Colony Collapse Disorder.
Fuck 2 (Monsanto) explores the relationship between Colony Collapse Disorder and Monsanto’s Roundup™.
The EU banned Neonicotinoid use beginning 1 September 2020.
A group of bees worship at the Temple of Fuck, hoping for salvation, all their comrades in a mound of death beneath them. It’s an Insect Apocalypse.
Materials: antique floral painting and frame from the Glories market, Barcelona; ~500 dead bees; 1 concave and 8 convex magnifying lenses; cut-out letters from 1970s Vogue magazine; epoxy resin. The bees were provided by BeeRescue55, located in Tarragona, Spain. Its owner, Carles, was recently hospitalized with COVID, but was released the weekend before the show, and sent the 2nd batch of bees for this piece.
Dimensions 40cm x 50cm x 3.5cm, 1.7kg